
What can be run with 3Kw solar panel

What can be run with 3Kw solar panel. solar panels for home,3kw off grid solar system,3kw solar panel system,3kw solar system installation,3kw solar panels for home,

All of you must have seen small and big solar systems of different sizes around you and after seeing all these solar systems, a question must have come to your mind that how many devices can you run on a big solar system.

While what devices can you run on a small solar system, today in this blog we are going to tell you about the different devices that can run on a 3 kW solar panel.

Apart from this, how can you run all these. And what equipment do you need for a 3 kW solar system. You will be told about all these things in detail.

3kw solar system

There might be many of you who are thinking about installing a 3 kW solar system. But before installing any type of solar system, it is very important for you to know about its capacity.

If you install a 3 kilowatt solar system, it gives you about 15 units of electricity in a day, so if you need 10 to 15 units of electricity in your house every day, then you can install a 3 kilowatt solar system.

If you need more power than this, you can install a 4 kW or 5 kW solar system.

But if you get a 3 kilowatt solar system made. And also buy a 3 kilowatt solar inverter. Then you can install 3 kilowatt solar panels on it.

But on top of that you can run a load of only 2 kW. So if you have to run a load of 3 kW. Then you should buy a 5 kW inverter.

What can be run with 3 kW solar panel

If you want to know what things you can run on a 3 kW solar system, then before this you should know about your solar system if you install 3 kW solar panels on the On Grid solar system.

If there is no battery then you can run the load as per your wish on it. Because in On Grid Solar System your inverter runs the load of the house by mixing the power coming from the solar panel with the power coming from the Grid.

If you install a 3 kW solar panel and run your 5 kW load on it, then the remaining 2 kW power will run from the grid supply and your home load will run smoothly, but this is the biggest disadvantage of this system.

That it does not work in the absence of electricity and if you install a 3 kilowatt solar panel on the Off Grid system, then whatever load you have to run on it.

It will depend on your inverter. If you buy a 3 kW solar inverter and install a 3 kW solar system on it, then you will be able to run only a 2 kW load on it and you can run the following equipment on this system. Like

  • Laptop
  • Music System
  • LED Television
  • Laser Printer (Small)
  • Juicer Mixer Grinder
  • 1 Ton Inverter Air Conditioner
  • Cooler
  • Tubelight
  • Desktop Computer
  • Washing Machine
  • Toaster (800W)
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Refrigerator (Up to 500L)
  • Set-Top-Box
  • LED Bulb

But you cannot run all these devices at the same time because if you run them all at the same time then the load of all of them will go above 2 kW.

Because of this, your inverter or any electronic device can malfunction. Therefore, run only those devices at the same time whose total load is less than 2 kW.

How many appliances can run on 3kw of electricity?

There might be many of you who do not have proper information about electricity like 2 kW and 3 kW. So if you want to know which products you can run on 3 kW electricity, then for this you will have to take the help of an energy meter.

With the help of which you can know the power consumption of all your appliances. And according to this consumption, you can run your appliances on a 3 kW solar inverter. We have explained them below as an example.

  • 2 Ceiling Fan (75W) = 150W
  • 2 X 1 Ton Inverter AC = 2200w
  • Refrigerator (200W) = 200W
  • 3 Tubelights (20W) = 60W
  • Laptop (100W) = 100W
  • 2 X LED Television (100w) = 200w
  • Total = 2910W

As we have explained to you above, the load of all these is less than 3 kW. So you can take a 5 kW solar inverter and run all these things simultaneously on it.

Best 3Kw Solar Inverter

If you want to buy a 3 kW solar inverter for your solar system, then there are many companies that make solar inverters using different technologies. If you buy a solar inverter with PWM technology, then you get it for less money.

If you want to build a good solar system using the latest technology, then you can buy a solar inverter using MPPT type technology, which is a little expensive.

UTL Heliac 4000

If you want to buy a good inverter for a 3 kW solar system, then you can buy the inverter UTL Heliac 4000. This solar inverter is a solar inverter with PWM technology. On which you can run a load of up to 1 kW.

You can install a solar panel of up to 3.2 kilowatts on this inverter. You have to install four batteries on this inverter. And this inverter runs on 48V. If you want to buy this inverter, you can buy it for ₹25000.

Luminous Solarverter Pro PCU- 3KVA

Luminous company also makes many good and excellent solar inverters. If you want to buy an inverter from Luminous company, then you can buy Solarverter Pro PCU – 3KVA. This solar inverter is an MPPT type solar inverter.

On which you can run a load of 3 kilo watts. You can install solar panels up to 3.5 kilo watts on this inverter. This inverter runs on 36v. If you want to buy a solar inverter, then you can get it for about ₹30000.

We hope that you liked the information given by us about all the devices running on 3 kW solar system. So if you liked this information and you want to get more such information, then you will definitely visit our website.

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