
Cost of installing Luminous 7kw solar panel

Cost of installing Luminous 7 kW solar panel luminous solar panel, Luminous Solar Panel Price, luminous solar panel price list, luminous solar panel unboxing, luminous solar panels,

All the big schools, colleges, offices and petrol pumps consume a lot of electricity at all these places. And that is why the monthly electricity bill is also very high at all these places. But sometimes there is a shortage of electricity at these places.

Due to this, a lot of problems arise in all these places. But now big solar systems are being installed in many such places. Through which the supply of electricity is fulfilled in all these places.

But small solar systems are not enough for such a large place, that is why large solar systems of up to 7 kW or 10 kW are installed at these places. Because such large solar systems provide up to 35 units of electricity in a day.

If you also consume 30 to 35 units of electricity every day, then you can install a 7 kilowatt solar system for this. In today’s blog, we are going to tell you about the price of 7 kilowatt solar panel of Luminous company.

Luminous 7Kw Mono Perc Half Cut Solar Panel Price

A lot of people want to get a big solar system built. But they don’t have much space. Because if you get a 7 kW solar system installed. Then you have to install a lot of solar panels. Where you get sunlight throughout the day,

But if you want to install 7 kilowatt solar panels, then you can install solar panels of Mono Perc Half Cut technology. For a Mono Perc Half Cut 7 kilowatt solar system, only 14 solar panels have to be installed.

These solar panels give you good power generation even in low sunlight and rainy season. Although these solar panels are a bit expensive. But you can create a big solar system by installing them even in a small space.

If you want to buy 7 kW Mono Perc Half Cut technology solar panels, you will get them for around Rs 150,000.

Luminous 7Kw Polycrystalline Solar Panel Price

If your budget is low and you want to build a 7 kilowatt solar system in a low budget, then you can buy solar panels of Polycrystalline technology. Because Luminous company also manufactures solar panels of Polycrystalline technology.

If you want to buy 7 kilowatt Polycrystalline solar panels, then you will get it for Rs. 140,000 but these solar panels are not able to give good electricity in less sunlight and winter season. These are solar panels of very old technology. That is why you need more space to install them.

Solar Charge Controller / Solar CPU

If you are buying 7 kilo watt solar panels. Then to use them you will need a solar inverter or solar charge controller if you have an old inverter battery,

So you can connect these solar panels to your inverter with the help of a solar charge controller. But there are very few companies in the market that make solar charge controllers that support 7 kilowatt panels.

Solar Retrofit 12050

As we told you above, there are very few companies in the market that make solar charge controllers that support 7 kW solar panels. But you will get Solar Retrofit 12050 solar charge controller from Luminous company, which you can use to connect 7 kW solar panel to the inverter.

You can use this solar panel on an inverter with 10 batteries. And you can install a 7 kW solar panel on top of it. This solar charger comes with a VoC range of 230v.

That means you can also install a series of 4 solar panels on it. If you want to buy this solar charge controller, then you can get it for around ₹20000.

Ashapower HELIOS-60 Solar MPPT Charge Controller

If you have an inverter with eight batteries and you want to connect a solar panel on it, then you can buy Ashapower company’s HELIOS-60 Solar MPPT Charge Controller. With the help of which you can install a 6.5 kW solar panel on an inverter with eight batteries.

This is a solar charge controller of MPPT type technology. With its help, you can also install a 6.5 kW Mono Perc solar panel. And with its PWM technology, you can install a 7 kW Polycrystalline solar panel.

But if you want to buy a solar charge controller, then you should buy one with MPPT type technology because Mono Perc solar panel gives more efficiency than Polycrystalline solar panel.

Solar panels of Mono Perc technology give you good power generation even in low sunlight and rainy season. If you want to buy this solar charge controller. Then you can get it for around ₹ 20000.

other expenses

If you are installing 7 kW solar panels of Luminous company, then for this you have to prepare the complete setup. For which you have to buy things like solar stand, wire and safety box.

If you are buying all these things for a 7 kW system, then it will cost you ₹40,000 extra.

Total Cost

If you have an old inverter battery and you are installing 7 kW solar panels on it, then we have told you about all these things separately.

But if you are installing solar panels of Polycrystalline technology, then its total cost will be as follows.


Solar Charge Controller – Rs.20,000
7kw Poly Solar Panel – Rs.140,000
Extra- Rs. 40,000
Total- Rs.260,000

But if you install solar panels of Mono Perc technology. Then there will be a difference of ₹30000 between 7 kW Mono Perc and Polycrystalline technology solar panels but Mono Perc solar panels are definitely expensive

. But you get more efficiency in these. And they work even in low sunlight and rain.

Cost of installing Luminous 7kw solar system

If you install a new 7 kW solar system from Luminous company, then you will have to spend on all the things mentioned above but instead of solar charge controller, you will have to buy Solarverter Pro 7.5Kva inverter,

Which you will get for around ₹ 100000 on which you have to install eight batteries. If you buy a 150Ah solar battery,

So you will get these eight batteries for around ₹120000 while the cost of the rest of their products will remain the same. In this way, if you install a new 7 kW solar system, then the cost of this entire setup comes as follows.

Total Cost

Inverter MPPT – Rs.1,00,000
150Ah Solar Battery – Rs.120000
7Kw Mono Perc Solar Panel – Rs.150,000
Extra- Rs.40,000
Total- Rs.490,000

We hope that the information given by us about the cost of solar panel per kilowatt with Luminous company is helpful to you. If you liked this information and want to get more such information, then you must visit our website.

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