
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Psychology Set 5 with Solutions

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CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Psychology Set 5 with Solutions

Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions :

All questions are compulsory except where internal choice has been given.

  1. Question Nos. 1 -15 in Section A carry 1 mark each. You are expected to answer them as directed.
  2. Question Nos. 16-21 in Section B are very short answer type-I questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
  3. Question Nos. 22-24 in Section C are short answer type-II questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
  4. Question Nos. 25 – 28 in Section D are long answer type questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
  5. Question Nos. 29-30 in Section E are long answer type questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words.
  6. Question Nos. 31-34 in Section F are based on two cases given. Answer to each one-mark question should not exceed 20 words. Answer to each two-mark question should not exceed 30 words.

Section A
Section A consists of 15 questions of 1 mark each

Question 1.
Saima, an illustrator in newspaper agency is k known for her ability to draw satire cartoon
I on various issues. Her cartoon strikes into the minds of reader with great message. Which type of intelligence she has? (1)
(a) Logical Intelligence
(b) Spatial Intelligence
(c) Imaginative Intelligence
(d) Linguistic Intelligence
(b) Spatial Intelligence

Question 2.
Despite of the fact Renuka couldn’t clear NEET exam this time, she doesn’t seems shaken. Instead, she has started preparing hurriedly for the upcoming exams with same amount of motivation and spirit. Name the trait she possess. (1)
(a) Type-A Personality
(b) Type-B Personality
(c) Type-C Personality
(d) Type A-B Personality
(a) Type-A Personality

Question 3.
Karan, who was suffering from depression and mental health issues, suggested to visit psychotherapist, who suggested Karan to adopt logotherapy, which helped him in finding meaning in every aspect of life. It also encouraged him to deal positively with good and bad experiences. Who propounded the logotherapy concept?
I. Sigmund Freud
II. Victor Frankl
III. Ivan Pavlov
IV. BF Skinner
Choose the correct option.
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) I and II
(d) None of these
(b) Only II

Question 4.
Mehak, a famous stand-up comedian has cancelled her several programme due to mental health issues. Her therapist has treated with li ve examples and method of certain cognitive-behavioural techniques of psychotherapy. Which among is that procedure? (1)
I. Modelling
II. Learning
III. Scaling
IV. Focussing
Choose the correct option.
(a) Only I
(b) I and II
(c) II and III
(d) Only IV
(a) Only I

Question 5.
A group of people in Bimla’s locality started no plastic campaign as part of a green environment movement. Find out your attitude based on sufficient information about the environment after such campaign.
(a) Aggressive
(b) Active
(c) Passive
(d) Cognitive
(d) Cognitive

Question 6.
The CBT adopts a bio-psychosocial approach to the delineation of psychopathology. Which of the following therapy used through it? (1)
I. Biological Therapy
II. Cognitive Therapy
III. Behavioural Techniques
IV. Clinical Treatment
Choose the correct option.
(a) Only I
(b) II and III
(c) I, II and IV
(d) II and IV
(b) II and III

Question 7.
Pooja a class 2 student in Delhi faces problems in basic skills in reading, writing and mathematics, but her teachers says that she do better with additional efforts. The disorder she is facing called as …….. (1)
(a) specific mental disorder
(b) specific learning disorder
(c) common learning disorder
(d) cognitive disorder
(b) specific learning disorder

Question 8.
Which among the following is not one of the attributes that are categorised on the basis of varieties of tests used in psychological literature? (1)
(a) Intelligence
(b) Aptitude
(c) Observation
(d) Values
(c) Observation

Question 9.
These two features refers to how many attitudes there are within a broader attitude. Think of an attitude as a family containing several ‘member’ attitudes. It is also related to various topics, such as health and world peace, people hold many attitudes instead of single attitude. Which two features we are here refer to? (1)
(a) Personality and Attitude
(b) Positive and Negative Traits
(c) Active and Passive
(d) Simplicity and Complexity
(d) Simplicity and Complexity

Question 10.
The general adaptation syndrome consists of three stages which include (1)
(a) the alarm reaction
(b) the stage of resistance
(c) the stage of exhausting
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

Question 11.
In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of the Reason (R). Mark the correct choice. (1) Assertion (A) Holmes and Rahe developed a life event measure of stress. That scale known as the Presumptive Stressful Life Events Scale.
Reason (R) It has been developed for the Indian population by Singh, Kaur and Kaur.

(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Assertion (A)
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of

Question 12.
Which among the following doesn’t comes under the Big Five Factor Model? (1)
(a) Neuroticism
(b) Unconscientiousness
(c) Agreeableness
(d) Openness to Experience
(b) Unconscientiousness

Question 13.
Thfe term ‘Dissociation’ in psychology can be viewed as severance of the connections between ideas and emotions. Which among the following conditions are associated with it? (1)
(a) Associative Amnesia
(b) Depersonalisation and Dissociative Identity Disorder
(c) Personalisation
(d) All of the above
(b) Depersonalisation and Dissociative Identity Disorder

Question 14.
The effects of traumatic events may occur after some lapse of time and sometimes persist as symptoms of anxiety, flashbacks, etc. Find out the stressful event in the following given options. (1)
I. Fire
II. Train or road accident
III. Robbery
IV. Political changes Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) I, II and III
(d) I and IV
(c) I, II and III

Question 15.
In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of the Reason (R). Mark the correct option. (1)

Assertion (A) Cultural approach attempts to understand personality in relation to the features of ecological and cultural environment.
Reason (R) It proposes that a group’s social system plays a vital role in the origin of cultural and behavioural variation s.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) rue and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false
(d) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false

Question 16.
Jaspreet, a sports trainer in Gymnastics, everyday train children in the nearby sports complex. He not only train but himself first demonstrates each steps to every aspirants. Identify and define the Jaspreet’s personality. (2)
The Jaspreet’s personality is called as ‘Bodily- Kinaesthetic’ which is an ability to use whole or portions of the body flexibly and creatively. It consists of the use of whole body or portions of it for display or construction of products and problem solving.

Question 17.
What is Oedipus Complex. (2)
During phallic stage, male child experience Oedipus Complex, it involves love for the mother, hostility towards the father and consequent fear of punishment by the father.

Question 18.
Samarth is considered as an average boy in his class. Though he managed to pass with fair marks but this year he ranked in the bottom. His mother found him locked inside
the room and crying. Name the psychological disorder he is suffering. (2)
Samarth is suffering with identity crisis disorder. This theory was given by Erikson, which lays stress on rational, conscious ego processes in personality development.

Question 19.
Which is the structural unit of personality according to many behaviourists? (2)
According to many behaviourists, the structural unit of personality is the response’. Each response is a behaviour, which is emitted to satisfy a specific need

Question 20.
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? (2)
Obsessive behaviour is the inability to stop thinking about a particular idea or topic. People affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder are unable to control their preoccupation with specific ideas or are unable to prevent themselves from repeatedly carrying out a particular act or series of acts that affect their ability to carry out normal activities.

Question 21.
What are the common signs of stress? (2)
What are life skills?
The common signs of stress include stomach upsets, body aches, nausea, diarrhoea and fever, etc. Chronic daily stress can divert an individual’s attention from caring for herself or himself.
Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. These skills are essential for personal well-being, successful social interactions and achieving one’s goals.

Section C
Section C consists of 3 questions of 3 marks each

Question 22.
Explain yoga and meditation as Alternative Therapies. (3)
Yoga and meditation are ancient Indian techniques mentioned in the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Yoga is commonly refer to the asanas or body posture component or to breathing practices or pranayama. Yoga techniques enhance well-being, mood, attention, mental focus and stress tolerance.

Proper training by a skilled teacher and a 30-minute prajctice every day will maximise the benefits. Insomnia is treated with yoga. Yoga also reduces the time to go to sleep and improves the quality of sleep.

Meditation refers to the practice of focusing attention on breath or on an object or thought or a mantra. In Vipasana meditation, also known as mindfulness-based meditation, there is no fixed object or thought to hold the attention.

Question 23.
One of the biggest disadvantage of metropolitan cities is mental disorder among the various age group. As like the case of Jahnvi, a junior advocate working in the Legal firm. She was smart and does her job efficiently. Due to frequent dealing with criminal cases, she was diagnosed with depression. Identify the symptoms associated with depression and mania.
In psychological studies, depression and mania are mood descenders.

  • Symptoms associated with depression are as follows:
    1. Change in body weight
    2. Constant sleep problems
    3. Tiredness
    4. Inability to think clearly
    5. Agitation
    6. Negative self-concept
    7. No interest in pleasurable activities
    8. Greatly slower behaviour
    9. Thoughts of death and suicide
  • Symptoms associated with mania are as follows
    1. Person become euphoric (high)
    2. Extremely active
    3. Excessively talkative
    4. Easily distractible

Question 24.
Explain unconditional positive regards for others in the context of counselling. (3)
Explain negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement for behaviour modification.  (1.5 + 1.5)
Unconditional positive regards indicate that the positive warmth of the therapist is not dependent on what the client reveals or does in the therapy sessions. This unique unconditional warmth ensures that the client feels secure, can trust the therapist and feels secure enough to explore her/his feelings.

The therapist reflects the feelings of the client in a non-judgemental manner. The reflection is achieved by rephrasing the statements of the client i.e. seeking simple clarifications to enhance the meaning of the client’s statements. This process of reflection helps the client to become integrated. This therapy helps a client to become her/his real self with the therapist working as a facilitator.
Negative and positive reinforcement for behaviour are
1. Negative Reinforcement:
It is a major technique of behaviour modification. Responses that lead organisms to get rid of painful stimuli or avoid and escape from them provide negative reinforcement. For example, one learns to put on woolen clothes, burn firewood or use electric heaters to avoid the unpleasant cold weather. Person learns to move away from dangerous stimuli because they provide negative reinforcement.

2. Positive Reinforcement:
If an adaptive behaviour occurs rarely, positive reinforcement is given to increase the deficit. The positive reinforcement used by the child’s mother by preparing the child’s favourite food will increase the behaviour of doing homework at the appointed time.

Section D
Section D consists of 4 questions of 4 marks each

Question 25.
Explain Allport’s Self-report measures in asessment of personality. (4)
The Self-report measures which was suggested by Allport is considered as the best method to assess a person by asking her/him about herself/himself. This led to the use of self-report measures. These are fairly structured measures, often based on theory, that require subjects to give verbal responses using some kind of rating scale.

The method requires the subject to objectively report her/his own feelings with respect to various items. The responses are accepted at their face value. They are scored in quantitative terms and interpreted on the basis of norms developed for the test. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF) are the well known self-report measures in assessment of personality.

Question 26.
What do you understand by psychometric and information-processing approaches approach? (4)
Psychologists have proposed several theories of intelligence. These theories can be broadly classified as a psychometric/structural approach or an information-processing approach.
The psychometric approach considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities. It expresses the individual’s performance in terms of a single index of cognitive abilities.

Information-processing approach describes the processes that people use in intellectual reasoning and problem solving. The major focus of this approach is on how an intelligent person acts. Information-processing approaches emphasise on studying cognitive functions underlying intelligent behaviour rather than focusing on structure of intelligence.

Question 27.
Rehana is always worried about her children’s future. Due to family pressure to have a boy child, she became mother of six girls. Her in-laws always taunts her and don’t treat her equally in the family. She remains in the great stress all day long. Explain the psychological meaning and process of stress. ( 2 + 2 )
Psychologically, the stress refers to the emotional and physiological reactions experienced when an individual faces a situation, where that individual failed to cope up with. As we can see, how Rehana is living in such unconducive atmosphere, where she feels like loneliness and helplessness.

Stressors, a stimuli that cause our body to give the stress response. Such events include noise, crowding, a bad relationship, or the daily commuting to school or office. The perception of stress is dependent upon the individual’s cognitive appraisal of events and the resources available to deal with them.

The stress process, is based on the cognitive theory of stress propounded by Lazarus and his colleagues which can be demonstrated as “Cause-Internal State -Result (Stress Reaction)’’. An individual’s response to a stressful situation largely depends upon the perceived events and how they are interpreted or appraised.

Question 28.
Define mental retardation. What are its features? ( 2 + 2 )
Write features of emotionally intelligent person. (4)
The children who show intellectual deficiency are termed as mentally challenged or mentally retarded. As a group, there is wide variation among the mentally deficient or retarded.
The American Association on Mental Deficiency (AXMD) views mental retardation as “significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behaviour and manifested during the developmental period”.
This definition points to three basic features:

  1. First, in order to be judged as mentally retarded, a person must show significantly sub-average intellectual functioning. Persons having IQ below 70 are judged to have sub-average intelligence.
  2. The second relates to deficits in adaptive behaviour. Adaptive behaviour refers to a person’s capacity to be independent and deal effectively with one’s environment.
  3. The third feature is that the deficits must be observed during the developmental period, that is between 0 and 18 years of age.

Following are some characteristics of emotionally intelligent persons:

  1. Perceive and be sensitive to various types of emotions in others by noting their body language, voice and tone and facial expressions.
  2. Relate your emotions to your thoughts so that you take them into account while solving problems and taking decisions.
  3. Understand the powerful influence of the nature and intensity of your emotions.
  4. Control and regulate your emotions and their expressions while dealing with self and others to achieve harmony and peace.

Question 29.
Who discovered the process of groupthink? Also discuss about the process of groupthink. (1+5)
Explain the polarisation processes in groups. Why polarisation occur? ( 2 + 4 )
Irving Janis discovered a process known as groupthink in which a group allows its concerns for unanimity. The process of groupthink occurs when a group with a particular agenda makes problematic or irrational decisions because its members value harmony and coherence over accurate and practical analysis as well as critical evaluation.

Individual members of the group are strongly discouraged from any disagreement with the consensus and set aside there. Groupthink suggests the appearance of consensus or unanimous agreement within a group. All members of a group agree upon a particular decision of the group. No one express dissenting (disagreement) opinion as it can destroy the cohesion of the group. There are also some ways to prevent groupthink.
These are as follows:

  1. Encouraging and rewarding critical thinking.
  2. Encouraging groups to present alternative courses of action.
  3. Inviting outside experts to evaluate the group’s decisions.
  4. Encouraging members to seek feedback from trusted others.

In psychological studies, polarisation processes describe movement in individuals’ views toward opposite views or extremes. Group polarisation is the phenomenon wherein groups make extreme decisions rather than individuals acting alone.

Group polarisation can occur due to the following reasons:

  1. When like-minded people are interacting the views become stronger resulting in a decision that favours them. For example, an employee who has done an antisocial activity on the job can be given an extreme punishment if all the individuals were in favour of punishment for him.
  2. The favourable view of one person is validated by the1 others, which leads them towards that attitude, this is known as the Bandwagon effect.
  3. When you find people having similar views, you are likely to perceive them as ingroup. You start identifying with the group, begin showing conformity and as a consequence, your views become strengthened.

Question 30.
Describe attitudes and write about formation of attitudes. ( 1 + 5 )
Identify the factors that affect the attitude formation. (6)
An attitude is a state of the mind, a set of views or thoughts, regarding some topic (called the ‘attitude object’), which have an evaluative feature (positive, negative or neutral quality).
The attitudes are formed in the following ways

  1. Learning Attitudes by Association:
    A positive attitude towards the subject is learned through the positive association between a teacher and a student.
  2. Learning Attitudes by:
    Being Rewarded or Punished If an individual is praised for showing a particular attitude, chances are high that she/he will develop that attitude further.
  3. Learning Attitudes through:
    Modelling (observing others) We learn attitudes by observing others being rewarded or punished for expressing thoughts or showing behaviour of a particular kind towards the attitude object.
  4. Learning Attitudes through:
    Group or Cultural Norms We learn attitudes through the norms of our group or culture. Norms are unwritten rules about behaviour that everyone is supposed to show under specific circumstances. Over time, these norms may become part of our social cognition in the form of attitudes.
  5. Learning through:
    Exposure to Information Many attitudes are learned in a social context but not necessarily in the physical presence of others. Today, with the huge amount of information that is being provided through various media, both positive and negative attitudes are being formed.

The following factors influence the attitude formation
(i) Family and School Environment:
Family and the school environment play a significant role in shaping attitude formation. I Learning of attitudes within the family and school usually takes place by association, through rewards and punishments and through modelling.

(ii) Reference Groups:
It indicates to an individual the norms regarding acceptable behaviour and ways of thinking. Thus, they reflect learning of attitudes through group or cultural norms. Attitudes towards various topics, such as political, religious and social groups, occupations, national and other issues are often developed through reference groups.
Their influence is noticeable especially during the beginning of adolescence, at which time it is important for the individual to feel that she/he belongs to a group. Therefore, the role of reference groups in attitude formation may also be a case of learning through reward and punishment.

(iii) Personal Experiences:
Many attitudes are formed through direct personal experiences which bring about a drastic change in our attitude towards people and our own life. For example, a driver in army escaped death in an accident where all his companions got killed. After that he left the job and became a community leader for the upliftment of his community.

(iv) Media-related Influences:
Technological advances in recent times have made audio-visual media and the Internet very powerful sources of information that lead to attitude formation and change. In addition, school level textbooks also influence attitude formation. These sources first strengthen the cognitive and affective components of attitudes and gradually may affect the behavioural component.

The media can apply both good and bad influences on attitudes. The media can be used to create consumerist attitude where it is not existed. It can also create positive attitudes to facilitate social harmony.

Section F
Section F consists of 2 Case based questions of 3 marks each

Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

On the one hand are the gifted and creative persons. On the other hand, there are children who face enormous difficulty in learning even very simple skills. Those children who show intellectual deficiency are termed as ‘intellectually disabled’. As a group, there is wide variation among the intellectually disabled.” he American Association on Mental Deficiency (AAMD) views intellectual disability as “significantly sub-average general intellectual

functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behaviour and manifested during the developmental period”. Individuals who are categorised as having intellectual disability show significant variation in their abilities, ranging from those who can be taught to work and function with special attention, to those who cannot be trained and require institutional care throughout their lives.

Question 31.
What symptoms are associated with intellectual disability disorder? (1)
Some symptoms that are associated with intellectual disability are Rett syndrome, Dravet syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, Asperger’s syndrome, and Fragile X syndrome (Martin-Bell).

Question 32.
Explain intellectual giftedness. (2)
Intellectual giftedness refers to general ability shown in superior performance in a wide variety of areas. Intellectually gifted individuals show higher performance because of their outstanding potentialities.

Read the case and answer the questions that follow.

Gary is a 19-year-old who withdrew from college after experiencing a manic episode during which he was brought to the attention of the Campus Police. He had changed his stream from engineering to philosophy. He spends his nights on phone, talking to his friends about life and reality. He had been convinced about the importance of his ideas, stating frequently that
he was more learned and advanced than all his professors.

He also increased a number of high-risk behaviours – drinking and engaging in sexual relations in a way that was unlike his previous history. At the present time, he has returned home and has been placed on a mood stabiliser (after a period of time on an antipsychotic), and his psychiatrist is requesting adjunctive psychotherapy for his disorder.

The patient’s parents are somewhat shocked by the diagnosis, but they acknowledge that Gary had early problems with anxiety during pre-adolescence, followed by some periods of withdrawal and depression during his adolescence. His parents are eager to be involved in treatment, if appropriate.

Question 33.
Identify the disorder with which Gary has been diagnosed. (1)
Gary has been diagnosed with Bipolar disorder which is characterised by episodes of both mania and depression with phases of stability in between the episodes.

Question 34.
What is Bipolar disorder? Mention few symptoms of it. ( 1 + 1 )
Bipolar disorder is a type of mood disorder dealing with mania and depression. The symptoms of Bipolar disorder includes mania or hypomania and depression. Symptoms can cause unpredictable changes in mood and behaviour, resulting in significant distress and difficulty in life.

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