
CBSE Class 12 English Question Paper 2015 (Comptt Outside Delhi) with Solutions

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CBSE Class 12 English Question Paper 2015 (Comptt Outside Delhi) with Solutions

Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

  • This paper is divided into three Sections: A, B and C. All the sections are compulsory.
  • Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.
  • Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.




Question 1.
Read the passage carefully: [12]
1. For four days, I walked through the narrow lanes of the old city, enjoying the romance of being in a city where history still lives-in its cobblestone streets and in its people riding asses, carrying vine leaves and palm as they once did during the time of Christ.

2. This is Jerusalem, home to the sacred sites of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This is the place that houses the church of the Holy Sepulchre, the place where Jesus was finally laid to rest. This is also the site of Christ’s crucifixion, burial and resurrection.

3. Built by the Roman Emperor Constantine at the site of an earlier temple to Aphrodite, it is the most venerated Christian shrine in the world. And justifiably so. Here, within the church, are the last five stations of the cross, the 10th station where Jesus was stripped of his clothes, the 11th where he was nailed to the cross, the 12th where he died on the cross, the 13th where the body was removed from the cross, and the 14th, his tomb.

4. For all this weighty tradition, the approach and entrance to the church is nondescript. You have to ask for directions. Even to the devout Christian pilgrims walking along the Via Dolorosa-the Way of Sorrows-first nine stations look clueless. Then a courtyard appears, hemmed in by other buildings and a doorway to one side. This leads to a vast area of huge stone architecture.

5. Immediately inside the entrance is your first stop. It’s the stone of anointing: this is the place, according to Greek tradition, where Christ was removed from the cross. The Roman Catholics, however, believe it to be the spot where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial by Joseph.

6. What happened next? Jesus was buried. He was taken to a place outside the city of Jerusalem where other graves existed and there, he was buried in a cave. However, all that is long gone, destroyed by continued attacks and rebuilding; what remains is the massive-and impressive-Rotunda (a round building with a dome) that Emperor Constantine built. Under this, and right in the centre of the Rotunda, is the structure that contains the Holy Sepulchre.

7. “How do you know that this is Jesus’ tomb?” I asked one of the pilgrims standing next to me. He was clueless, more interested, like the rest of them, in the novelty of it all and in photographing it, than in its history or tradition.

8. At the start of the first century, the place was a disused quarry outside the city walls. According to the gospels, Jesus’ crucifixion occurred ‘at a place outside the city walls with graves nearby ……’ Archaeologists have discovered tombs from that era, so the site is compatible with the biblical period.

9. The structure at the site is a marble tomb built over the original burial chamber. It has two rooms, and you enter four at a time into the first of these, the Chapel of the Angel. Here the angel is supposed to have sat on a stone to recount Christ’s resurrection. A low door made of white marble, partly worn away by pilgrims’ hands, leads to a smaller chamber inside. This is the ‘room of the tomb’, the place where Jesus was buried.

10. We entered in a single file. On my right was a large marble slab that covered the – original rock bench on which the body of Jesus was laid. A woman knelt and prayed. Her eyes were wet with tears. She pressed her face against the slab to hide them, but it only made it worse.

1.1 On the basis of your understanding of this passage answer the following questions with the help of the given options: [1 × 5 = 5]
(a) How does Jerusalem still retain the charm of the ancient era?
(i) There are narrow lanes.
(ii) Roads are paved with cobblestones.
(iii) People can be seen riding asses.
(iv) All of the above.
(iv) All of the above.

(b) Holy Sepulchre is sacred to
(i) Christianity
(ii) Islam
(iii) Judaism
(iv) Both (i) and (iii)
(i) Christianity

(c) Why does one have to constantly ask for directions to the church?
(i) Its lanes are narrow.
(ii) Entrance to the church is non-descript.
(iii) People are not tourist-friendly.
(iv) Everyone is lost in enjoying the romance of the place.
(ii) Entrance to the church is non-descript.

(d) Why is the stone of anointing significant for the Roman catholics?
(i) Christ was removed from the cross here.
(ii) Jesus’ body was prepared for burial by Joseph.
(iii) Jesus is buried in a cave here.
(iv) Jesus was finally laid to rest here.
(ii) Jesus’ body was prepared for burial by Joseph.

(e) Where was Jesus buried?
(i) In a cave
(ii) At a place outside the city
(iii) In the Holy Sepulchre
(iv) Both (i) and (ii)
(iv) Both (i) and (ii)

1.2 Answer the following questions briefly: [1 × 7 = 7]
(f) What is the Greek belief about the ‘stone of anointing’?
(g) Why did Emperor Constantine build the Rotunda?
(h) What is the general attitude of the pilgrims?
(i) How is the site compatible with the biblical period?
(j) Why did the pilgrims enter the ‘room of the tomb’ in a single file?
(k) Why did ‘a woman’ try to hide her tears?
(l) Which word in the passage (para 3) means the same as ‘a large grave’.
(f) According to Greek belief the ‘stone of anointing’ is the place where Christ was removed from the cross.

(g) Emperor Constantine built the Rotunda to venerate the place of burial of Jesus. He built this structure to protect the Holy Sepulchre.

(h) The pilgrims are not interested in the history or tradition of the place and the tomb where Jesus was buried. They are more interested in the novelty of it all and in photographing it.

(i) Archaeologists have discovered tombs from that era. So this is compatible with the biblical period according to which Jesus’ crucifixion occurred ‘at a place outside the city walls with graves nearby ….’

(j) The pilgrimsenter the room of the tomb in a single file (line) because it has a narrow passage and a low door which leads to a smaller chamber.

(k) ‘A woman’ tried to hide her tears because she did not want anyone to see her crying. Like a true Christian, she was overwhelmed as Jesus was buried there, while others seemed unconcerned.

(l) The word ‘tomb’ means the same as a large grave.

Question 2.
Read the passage given below: [8]
It is surprising that sometimes we don’t listen to what people say to us. We hear them, but we don’t listen to them. I was curious to know how hearing is different from listening. I had thought both were synonyms, but gradually, I realised there is a big difference between the two words.

Hearing is a physical phenomenon. Whenever somebody speaks, the sound waves generated reach you, and you definitely hear whatever is said to you. However, even if you hear something, it doesn’t always mean that you actually understand whatever is being said. Paying attention to whatever you hear means you are really listening. Consciously using your mind to understand whatever is being said is listening.
Diving deeper, I found that listening is not only hearing with attention, but is much more than that. Listening is hearing with full attention, and applying our mind. Most of the time, we listen to someone, but our minds are full of needless chatter and there doesn’t seem to be enough space to accommodate what is being spoken.
We come with a lot of prejudices and preconceived notions about the speaker or the subject on which he is talking. We pretend to listen to the speaker, but deep inside, we sit in judgement and are dying to pronounce right or wrong, true or false, yes or no. Sometimes, we even come prepared with a negative mind set of proving the speaker wrong. Even if the speaker says nothing harmful, we are ready to pounce on him with our own version of things.

What we should ideally do is listen first with full awareness. Once we have done that, we can decide whether we want to make a judgement or not. Once we do that, communication will be perfect and our interpersonal relationship will become so much better. Listening well doesn’t mean one has to say the right thing at the right moment. In fact, sometimes if words are left unspoken, there is a feeling of tension and negativity. Therefore, it is better to speak out your mind, but do so with awareness after listening to the speaker with full concentration.

Let’s look at this in another way. When you really listen, you imbibe not only what is being spoken, but you also understand what is not spoken as well. Most of the time we don’t really listen even to people who really matter to us. That’s how misunderstandings grow among families, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it. [4]
(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. [4]
(a) Title: Hearing Versus Listening
1. Difference b/w listening \& hearing-
1.1 hearing-a phys. phenomenon
1.2 sound waves are gen.
1.3 you hear what is said to you
1.4 paying attention-means you are listening
1.5 listening is using the mind consciously to understand what is said

2. What is listening?
2.1 more than hearing
2.2 hearing with full attention \& applying our mind

3. What is not listening?
3.1 While we listen our mind is full of needless chatter
3.2 Not enough space to accommodate what is being said.
3.3 Prej. and preconceived notions about the speaker give us a -ve mindset
3.4 Even if the speaker says something harmless we pass our own judgement

4. What one should really do?
4.1 listen with full awareness – then make judgement
4.2 comm. will then be perfect
4.3 interpersonal relationship-become much better

5. Listening well means
5.1 not to say the rt. thing at the rt. moment
5.2 sometimes if words are unspoken-feeling of tension \& negativity
5.3 better to speak your mind but with awareness after listening with full concern
5.4 listening well enables us to imbibe both, i.e., spoken \& unspoken
5.5 when we do not listen to people who matter to us-misunderstandings grow

List of Abbreviations:
b/w – between comm. – communication
phys. – physical
rt. – right
gen. – generated
concen. – concentration
& – and
i.e – that is
prej. – prejudices
-ve – negative

(b) Summary: There is a big difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is a physical phenomenon but paying attention and applying the mind to what you hear is listening. If we come with preconceived notions about the speaker we sit in judgement and are ready to pounce on him. We must listen first with full awareness and then decide if we want to make a judgement. It is better to speak our mind but after listening to the speaker with full concentration. We must listen to people who matter to us and then there will be no misunderstandings.



Question 3.
You require a teacher to teach maths and science to your son at home who is in class 10. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words giving all your requirements. You are Arun/Aruna. Contact No. 93xxxxxxxx. [4]


An experienced male Maths teacher as a private tutor for a Xth standard boy. Candidate should have at least 10 years experience of teaching Maths in a public school. He should be a strict disciplinarian to be able to deal with the student on a stern note. Remuneration no constraint for the right candidate. Apply with complete details to Manisha, 10, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore.

Fireworks and crackers are known to create pollution during festivals. As an environ¬mentalist design a poster in about 50 words to create awareness of their ill effects.

Question 4.
You are Arun/Arti 12, Raja Road, Kanpur. You had ordered Ram Book Depot, 4 Mall Road, Delhi for the supply of two books. You wanted to give them as a gift to a friend of yours. On receiving them you were disappointed to find that the books were damaged. Write a complaint letter in 120-150 words to the Manager, about your problem. [6]
12, Raja Road
26th April, 20xx
The Manager
Ram Book Depot
4, Mall Road, Delhi
Subject: Complaint against receiving damaged books.
Through the medium of this letter I would like to bring to your notice my complaint of receiving damaged books. I had ordered two books from you from the Harry Potter series on 18th April, 20xx, the payment for which I had made by a Demand Draft. I wanted to gift these books to my friend on her birthday. On receiving the books yesterday I was extremely disappointed to see their pathetic condition. Thu cover pages of the books were damaged and the pages too were turned and untidy. My friend’s birthday is on the 30th of April and I cannot present these damaged books to her. So I request you to send me new packs of both the books at the earliest. I am also sending back the damaged books to you. Awaiting a favourable response and prompt delivery of the new books.
Yours sincerely


You are interested in doing a course in fashion design. For this you want to join NIFT. NIFT holds a competitive examination for admission. Sapphire Academy, Dadar, Mumbai gives coaching for the admission test. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Director, Sapphire Academy requesting him to provide you with all the necessary information. You are Karan/Kirti, 48 Fort Apartments, Pune.
48, Fort Apartments
18th March, 20xx
The Director
Sapphire Academy
Dadar, Mumbai
Subject Information about coaching for admission to NIFT.
I have just appeared for my Class XII CBSE Examination after which I want to join NIFT. I would like to join the coaching classes offered by your academy for the NIFT competitive examination for admission. I would be grateful if you could provide me the following information for admission:

  • Courses offered by NIFT
  • Procedure for admission and Eligibility Criteria
  • Duration of Coaching classes offered by your academy
  • Course fee (both for NIFT and your academy)
  • Any other relevant information

I am extremely keen to join NIFT and would appreciate if you could forward me all the necessary information related to the institute and your academy. Awaiting an early response ffom your end.
Yours sincerely

Question 5.
It is said that if you educate a boy, you educate a person and if you educate a girl you educate a family. Write an article in 150-200 words on the importance of educating women. You are Suresh/Shobha. [10]
By: Shobha
Education of girls .has been a high priority with the Government of India. In the new millennium India has consolidated its earlier educational reforms with increased resources and stronger policy commitments for achieving elementary education, particularly for girls. ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ or ‘Education For All’ programme recognizes that ensuring the education of the girl child requires changes not only in the education system but also in society’s norms and attitudes. A two-pronged gender strategy has hence been adopted to make the educational system responsive to the needs of the girls through targeted interventions which serve as a pull-factor to enhance access and retention of girls in schools on the one hand and generate a community demand for girls’ education through training and mobilisation on the other hand. The CBSE has also come up with the novel scheme of providing free education from the sixth standard onwards to the single girl child.

If India wants to rank among the developed nations, it must give foremost priority to female education because if we educate a man, we educate an individual, but if we educate a woman we educate an entire family. If women are educated then problems like female infanticide, dowry, domestic violence, child marriage and other related atrocities will vanish. Education provides the essential criteria to fulfil certain economic, political and cultural functions and improves the socio-economic status of women. At every age and level education enhances the intellectual, social and emotional development of women and enables them to meet their basic needs. Thus most of the problems that our society today faces can be eradicated by educating the girl child.


Nowadays, students attend coaching classes early in the morning or after school hours. You feel that this trend makes them tired, affects their health and so their grades. Write an article in 150-200 words to make the students understand how this is not very helpful in improving their grades and is a waste of their precious time. You are Rani/Rani.
By: Ram
To attend coaching classes has become more of a trend which most students follow. This has happened because of the growing competition and the desire among students to excel. They feel that by attending these coaching classes they will be able to improve their grades but unfortunately it is a waste of their precious time. It makes them tired, affects their health and also their grades. Coaching classes have become synonymous in the lives of city students and students find it hard to cope up with their studies without them. Almost all students who attend coaching classes have lost their time for recreation and physical activities. Students sometimes travel long distances to attend the so-called ‘reputed’ coaching centres thus wasting a lot of time.

In today’s cut-throat competition the life of students is as it is very stressful and combined with this stress is the extra burden of attending coaching classes. Parents too fail to realise how they are pressurising the children by making their already hectic work schedule more strenuous by enrolling them in coaching classes. Education is a natural process of learning and should not be forced upon the children. Students who over-estimate their stamina join these coaching classes and end up creating a mess of their daily routine.
Students are running from one place to another for coaching and are unable to realise the value of time and time management. Not only are coaching centres unnecessary but are also adversely affecting the life of students.

Question 6.
The Prime Minister’s campaign, ‘Swachh Bharat7 has become popular throughout India. Inspired by this, you, the principal of a reputed school decide to address the students on The value of cleanliness’. Write your speech in 150-200 words. [10]
The Prime Minister’s campaign ‘Swachh Bharat’ has become popular throughout India. It is India’s biggest ever cleanliness drive and aims to accomplish the vision of ‘Clean India’ by 2nd October, 2019, Gandhiji’s 150th birthday. Good Morning children, I have come before you all to talk about ‘The value of cleanliness’.
The importance of cleanliness cannot be ignored in individual as well as communal life. On the one hand it is an important factor for human health and spiritual development; on the other hand it is essential for environmental development. Cleanliness is one of the ‘must have’ habits in all individuals. The high value attached to cleanliness is aptly expressed by the proverb, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”.

We all need to do our bit to keep our surroundings and environment clean. Shrugging off our shoulders of the litter and dirt, cursing the government and civic agencies is just not right. Living in a society, we all have a moral responsibility to contribute to our surroundings. Set a good example and do not litter on roads and public places. Use dustbins and keep your surroundings clean. Cleanliness is a part of civilization and as civilized beings our foremost duty is to understand the value of cleanliness. To conclude, I quote the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Sanitation is more important than independence”. Thank You

You have always been proud of being a citizen of the country which shows love and care for elders. However, now this value is found to be disappearing. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Difficulties faced by senior citizens.’
We have always been proud of being citizens of a country which shows love, compassion and care for elders. However now this value seems to be disappearing.
Good morning Everyone, I have come before you all to talk about the “Difficulties faced by senior citizens.” Deteriorating health, malnutrition, lack of shelter, financial incapacity are some of the most common problems that senior citizens face. Combined with these are isolation, rejection by family and callous attitude of their children. The number of ‘living – alone’ seniors has also increased in recent times as seniors with non-resident children or out of station children are forced to live alone. In today’s materialistic world, where everyone is over-busy, it amounts to too much expectation if senior citizens expect their kith and kin to attend to their requirements or pay them frequent visits.

The problems faced by senior citizens need to be tackled through holistic care, that is by paying attention to the preventive, promotive and rehabilitative aspects of caring for them. Moreover awareness needs to be created regarding elderly persons that can help them to lead productive and independent lives. With a view to ensure the well-being of senior citizens we need to strengthen their legitimate place in society and extend support for financial security and health care. Let us not forget that all the religions in the world have been advocating to respect and look after elderly parents and senior citizens. As directed by the fifth commandment of the Bible ” Honour your father and mother.”
Thank You!



Question 7A.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [4]
But you can put on trousers and cover it up and no one sees, they don’t have to notice and stare.
(a) Who is the speaker of the above lines? [1]
(b) What does ‘it’ refer to? [1]
(c) What do people stare at? [1]
(d) What trait of the speaker is revealed here? [1]
(a) Derry is the speaker of the above lines.
(b) ‘It’ refers to his tin leg.
(c) People stare at his acid-burnt face.
(d) Derry is very conscious of his acid-burnt face and suffers from a complex because of it.

Question 7B.
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [4]
…… and felt that old
familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
but all I said was, see you soon, Amma
all I did was smile and smile and smile…

(a) Name the poem. [1]
(b) What was the poet’s childhood fear? [1]
(c) What does her smile signify? [1]
(d) What does the word, ‘ache’ mean? [1]
(a) The poem is ‘My Mother at Sixty-Six.’
(b) The poet’s childhood fear was of losing her mother and never being able to see her.
(c) Her elongated and superficial smile signifies a sign of reassurance that she gives to herself and her mother.
(d) The word ‘ache’ means ‘pain.’

Question 8.
Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each : [2 × 5 = 10]
(a) How did Derry’s handicap damage his life?
(b) How did the Maharaja overcome the difficulty created by a high-ranking British Officer?
(c) What does the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’ teach us?
(d) Where was the roadside stand built and why?
(e) What brought about a change in the life of the peddler?
(f) What was the bulletin board news that caused a change in the school? (The Last Lesson)
(g) How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer?
(a) Due to his handicap, his burnt face, Derry suffered from an acute lack of self-regard and rejection. He did not like being with people because they constantly reminded him of his ugliness and so he stayed away from them. He felt he was too ugly to be liked and loved by anyone so he became a recluse.

(b) The Maharaja had annoyed a senior British Officer and was in danger of losing his throne. To make amends he sent about fifty samples of expensive diamond rings to the officer’s wife in the hope that she would keep one or two rings as a bribe. But the greedy lady kept all the rings. The Maharaja lost three lakh rupees but he managed to retain his kingdom.

(c) The poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ emphasises the need for quiet introspection and creating a feeling of mutual understanding among human beings. It conveys to us the poet’s philosophy of an exotic moment of silence which will be an antidote to violence, hatred and war.

(d) The roadside stand was built by the rural folk in front of the little old house at the edge of the road. It was a little new shed, an extension of an old house. It was put up there to attract the city folk as customers to sell wild berries and golden squash.

(e) Edla’s warmth, sympathy and compassion bring about a change in the life of the peddler. He is touched by the kind treatment Edla gives him despite knowing his real identity. The latent goodness of his heart is awakened and he actually behaves like a true captain.

(f) The bulletin board news that caused a change in the school was that, that day was going to be the last French lessen for the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools and their new German teachers would come the next day.

(g) To ‘build a swimmer’ out of Douglas, the instructor began his training with extreme caution. He attached a rope to a belt and put it around Douglas. The rope went through a pulley that ran on an overhead cable. Supported by the cable, they went to and fro in the pool and practiced for weeks together. The instructor taught Douglas to put his face under water and exhale and to raise his nose and inhale. He then taught him to kick in water for many weeks. Finally after seven months, the instructor told him to swim the length of the pool and Douglas’ persistent fear started fading.

Question 9.
Answer the following in 120-150 zvords: [6]
How did a visit to Champaran become a turning point in Gandhi’s life? How does this show Gandhi’s love and concern for the common people of India?
The Champaran episode began as an attempt to fight against the injustice towards the hapless peasants to alleviate their sufferings. It later turned out to be Gandhiji’s loud pronouncement that the Britishers could not order him about in his own country. It established the effectiveness of non-cooperation as a means of fighting for justice. Gandhiji did not get intimidated either by the British officials or by their offers. The Champaran episode was not an outcome of defiance of authorities but it was a result of sincere efforts to relieve the suffering of the masses. It revealed Gandhiji’s principles in the political field. After winning the peasants’ battle against the English landlords Gandhiji stayed on in Champaran for the cultural and social upliftment of the poor and backward villages of Champaran.
Every teenager must dream big. Yet the dream should also be rooted to the ground. Write a character sketch of Sophie in the light of this remark.
Ans. Every teenager must dream big. Yet the dream should also be rooted to the ground. This state¬ment is so true for Sophie whose dreams are larger than life and far supercede her real life. Sophie had rather unrealistic plans for her future. She wanted to own a boutique and have the most amazing shop in the city. She also dreamed of being an actress or a fashion designer. Considering her meagre resources and family’s position, her dreams are quite unrealistic, in fact they are in sharp contrast to her reality. Her father works hard for a living and is never likely to be a part of the sophisticated world. Her mother bears the back-breaking burden of household chores. Her brother works as an apprentice mechanic. Considering her circumstances she would actually have to work in the biscuit factory. So her dreams would just remain dreams and never become a reality.

Question 10.
Answer the following in 120-150 zvords: [6]
How does Jo want the story to end and why?
Jo was Jack’s four year old daughter who loved to listen to the stories which Jack himself created. Each story that Jack narrated to her was a slight variation of a basic tale. One day’s story was about Roger Skunk, a new animal who smelt so bad that the other little creatures never played with him due to this. When Roger Skunk told his tale to the wise owl, he advised him to go to the wizard. The wizard made Roger smell like roses but when Roger returned home his mother was so annoyed that she went to the wizard and hit him on the head. The wizard made Roger Skunk smell bad again. Jo did not like the end of the story.
For Jo, Roger’s mother is wicked and she is very annoyed with her for making Roger smell bad again. Jo is a child who “lives in an idealised world which is reigned by beauty and love. So she wants her father to change the story’s ending wherein the wizard should hit mommy with her magic wand and punish her for being stupid.


What were Zitkala-Sa’s experiences on her first day in the land of apples?
The first day in the land of apples was bitterly cold and as the bell rang for breakfast, there was an annoying clatter of shoes which gave Zitkala-Sa no peace. Though her spirit tore itself in struggling for its freedom, it was of no use. Zitkala-Sa was placed in a line with the Indian girls and marched into the dining room. All the girls were rather immodestly dressed in tightly .fitting clothes. As Zitkala-Sa sat down she observed that she was being keenly watched by a strange palefaced woman. Later her friend Judewin gave her a terrible warning that this palefaced woman was talking about cutting their long, heavy hair. Zitkala-Sa crept into a room and crawled under a bed and huddled herself in the dark corner. But women and girls entered the room and dragged her out. She resisted by kicking and scratching wildly. Inspite of her resistance she was carried downstairs, tied fast in a chair and her long hair was shingled.


Note : Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I.

Question 4.
The drinking water supplied to your locality Anandlok Colony, Kanpur has a dirty colour and foul smell. As secretary of the Residents Welfare Association, write a letter in 120-150 words to the Chief Engineer, Water Authority, Kanpur complaining about the problem and requesting him to take necessary action at the earliest. ]6]
Anandlok Colony
29th July, 20xx
Chief Engineer
Water Authority, Kanpur
Subject: Complaint against dirty colour and foul smell of drinking water.
In the capacity of the Secretary of the Residents’ Welfare Association, I would like to draw your attention to the dirty colour and foul smell of drinking water that is being supplied to our locality, Anandlok Colony.
Since the past three weeks the drinking water that is being supplied to our colony is very dirty and has a foul smell. It is not even suitable for cleaning and washing purpose. We have been buying drinking water and paying water tankers to supply water to us for three weeks now. Despite repeated complaints to the Water Authority no action has been taken so far. This problem has become a serious issue which is bound to take a toll on our health and our pockets. I hope you will consider this problem seriously and give it top priority. We request you to take strict and immediate action in this matter and hope to get a favourable response from your end at the earliest.
Yours sincerely
Secretary, Residents Welfare Association
You would like to join NDA coaching classes. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the Director Model Coaching Centre, Andheri, Mumbai to enquire about the coaching classes for the next examination. Ask for all necessary details. You are Sunita/Suraj, 4 Grant’Road, Dadar. [6]
4, Grant Road, Dadar
26th April, 20xx
The Director
Model Coaching Centre, Andheri
Subject: Enquiry about coaching classes for the next examination.
I have just appeared for my class XII CBSE Examination and am now interested in joining the NDA. For that I would like to enrol in the NDA coaching classes offered by your institute. So I request you to forward me the following details regarding the course and the coaching classes:

  • Procedure of admission to NDA.
  • Eligibility Criteria.
  • Date of commencement of coaching classes.
  • Duration of coaching classes.
  • Fees charged by your institute.
  • Any other relevant information.

I am extremely keen to join the NDA and would appreciate if you could forward me all the relevant information related to your institute. Awaiting an early response from your end.
Yours sincerely

Question 8.
Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 words each: [2 × 5 = 10]
(a) At the crofter’s home, why did the peddler feel very’ happy?
(b) Why does Derry stay away from people?
(c) How are Aunt Jennifer’s tigers different from her?
(d) Who killed the 100th tiger? Why?
(e) Why did Bama reach home late after school?
(f) Why did Gandhiji agree to 25% compensation?
(a) The peddler was received very warmly and received generous hospitality at the crofter’s home. The crofter, an old and lonely man, served him porridge, treated him kindly and the two smoked and played cards. This made the peddler feel very happy.

(b) Derry suffers from an acute sense of complex after one side of his face got burnt by acid. He stays away from people who constantly remind him of his ugliness. He does not like to see people shirking from him because he is ugly. He feels rejected and unwanted.

(c) Aunt Jennifer’s tigers possessed all the qualities that Aunt Jennifer did not have. The tigers were free, fearless, confident and proud whereas Aunt Jennifer was meek, submissive and without any identity. She was a rather indecisive woman unlike the confident tigers she had created.

(d) Ironically, the hundredth tiger is not killed by the Tiger King. He does drop down after he is shot by the Maharaja, but he only faints from the bullet shot. The hunters then wonder what they should do. They realize if the Maharaja came to know this they, could lose their jobs. So one of the hunters takes aim and shoots the tiger.

(e) It took Bama half an hour to one hour to walk home from her school, although it was possible to cover the distance in ten minutes. This was because on the way many attractions slowed her down. These included fun, games, entertaining novelties and oddities in the streets, the shops and the bazaar.

(f) Gandhiji had asked the indigo planters for a 50 per cent refund to the farmers but they offered only 25 per cent. Gandhiji still agreed to their offer because for him the amount of the refund was of less importance. More important was the fact that the planters had been forced to surrender part of their rights. So he agreed to their settlement.

Question 10.
Answer the following in 120-150 words.
What were the precautions taken by the prison officers to prevent Evans from escaping?
All possible precautions are taken by the prison officers to prevent Evans from escaping. Evans’ razor and nail scissors are removed from the cell. McLeery, the invigilator was frisked on arrival. Police officer, Stephens, was deputed on duty inside the cell. All the prison officials were put on high alert. There were two locked doors between Evans’ cell and the yard. A microphone was installed in the cell as a precautionary measure through which the warden could listen to their talk by switching on the receiver. The senior prison officer, Jackson and officer Stephens had worked round the clock and made fool-proof arrangements and taken all necessary precautions to ensure that the exam was conducted smoothly.


How does Jo react to the skunk’s story? Why? [6]
Jo reacts rather strongly to skunk’s story. She totally disagrees with the story’s ending and wants the wizard to hit skunk’s mommy who Jo thinks is stupid.
Adults are mature, experienced and have a practical approach. Their responses are tutored and their actions reflect their thoughts. But children are spontaneous with natural, untutored responses. Jo, a four-year old child, prefers to live in her world of dreams and fantasies. She would like to wreak vengeance on Skunk’s mother and is annoyed because her father refuses to accept her suggestion. The father has a mature perspective and so he views things beyond the ‘face-value’ and delves into the philosophical and moralistic aspect of the entire situation. The wizard, according to him, had interfered with nature and so deserved to be punished. Jo completely disagrees with her father. For her the baby Skunk was right and it made perfect sense if the wizard hit the ‘stupid’ mommy.


Note : Except for the following questions, all the remaining questions have been asked in Set I and Set II.

Question 3.
You have retired from a bank after 30 years of service and are looking for a job. Draft an advertisement in about 50 words for the situation wanted column of a local daily giving your qualifications, experience and the kind of job expected. You are Sunil/Sita, 4, Bank Enclave, Delhi. [4]
Retired bank official seeks job as Senior Accountant in a firm. Have a master’s degree in Commerce and 30 years experience of working in a nationalised bank. Job profile can include managing and maintaining log books and account balance. Contact: Sunil 4, Bank Enclave, Delhi.


Design a poster in about 50 words to create awareness among the people of your city on the importance of following traffic rules.

Question 5.
Teenagers often feel confused. They face a lot of pressure from various quarters. Write an article in 120-150 words, on ‘Stress the teenager’s face’. You are Ram/Rama. [10]
By: Ram
The teen stage of one’s life is filled with stress and anxiety. This is because it is that stage of our life when we face a host of novel problems and pressures from various quarters. To start with teenagers experience many significant physical changes and at times they find it difficult to cope with their bodies that grow and develop rapidly.
Combined with this is social pressure, peer pressure and parental pressure. Most teenagers feel that academic concerns feature at the top of their list of stress stimulants. Worries about their future, the tension to attain good grades and cut-throat competition cause teenagers to experience inordinate amount of stress.

The stress that teenagers face today may vary from academic pressure, physical appearances, peer pressure etc. but these issues can be dealt with if parents and guardians understand these problems and approach them in a positive and friendly manner. Proper guidance is vital especially in this very formative phase in the life of children so that they can grow up to be confident and optimistic adults. Finally teenagers need to develop assertiveness, training skills and learn practical coping skills. They should always feel good about doing a competent job rather than demanding perfection from themselves and others.


TV and Internet have reduced the charm of reading for children. Write an article in 120-150 words on the reasons for this lack of interest. Suggest measures to create a desire to read among children right from a very young age. You are Ram/Rama.
By: Rama
Reading is an essential tool for lifelong learning. It has a vital role to play in overall development. Reading enables us to extend our scope of knowledge and experience.
But due to technological development the charm of reading has considerably reduced for children. They spend so much time glued to the TV and internet that reading a book in a quiet and peaceful corner of their homes or library has become an archaic idea for most children. This fast declining interest in reading culture among children is a cause of concern and challenge to all and we need to take up measures to alleviate this problem. The desire for reading needs to be inculcated among children from a very young age. Parents should read out books to their kids from the time when they are incapable of reading. This way children learn that reading is fun and not a chore. This will also help to promote their attention span which is an important skill for a child to concentrate. To develop the habit of reading in children requires a number of skills that, in most children, has to be formed by direct and informed instruction provided through constant reiteration.

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