Browsing: Operating System

Operating system is basically a program which is used to manage the computer behaves as a midway between computer hardware and computer user.

Multiprocessor System Multiprocessor system which provide processing using more than one central processing units (CPU) or cores single computer. Multiple…

Linux Operating System Linux Operating System is one of standard version of UNIX operating System. It is open source because…

Multimedia System Multimedia System – Operating systems manage general data, such as text files, binary files, programs, word processing documents,…

OS Protection Principles of Protection The principle of least privilege commands that users, programs and systems be given just an adequate amount…

Operating System Security Operating System Security – Security refers to delivering a protection system to computer system resources such as…

OS File System OS File System – A file is basically a name of collection of related information that is…

OS Memory Management OS Memory management is basically the core functionality of an operating system which manages the primary memory.…

Process Termination Process termination when it finishes its execution by executing the final statement and request to the operating system…

Network Operating System Network operating system use a server to run on and provides server capacity manage user, data, groups,…

File Management File management is a most evident module of operating system. Information can be stored in computer on several…

Memory management in an operating system Memory management in an operating system, which is also called as main memory management,…

Operating System Functions There are basic functionalities of operating system functions are given as Booting Memory management Loading and execution…

Operating System Overview Operating system is basically a program which is used to manage the computer behaves as a…