Switch Statement Java The switch statement Java programming consider as multiway branch statement. It is another conditional structure of programming techniques. It is a good alternative of nested if-else. It can be used easily when there are many choices available and only one should be executed. Nested if becomes very difficult in such situation therefore switch statement used here. Syntax of switch statement: switch (expression) { case value1: // statement of value 1 case break; case value2: // statement of value 2 case break; case valueN: // statement of value N case break; default: // default statement sequence } …
Author: jyoti gupta
Propositional logic-introduction Propositional logic or 0th order is the branch of logic that studies ways of joining as well as modifying entire propositions, statements or sentences to form a more complicated proposition, statements or sentences. Moreover, it studies the logical relationships and properties that are derived from those methods of combining or altering statements. It is also known as sentential logic and statement logic. One common way of combining statement is joining two simpler propositions with the world “and”. The complex statement formed when two statements are joined together with “and”, that statement is true if and only if both…
Software Architecture Introduction In the term of software engineering, the concept of software architecture is like to build the architecture or structure of the software. It should describe the major component of the software architecture their structure and describe how to interface or interact with one another. The software architecture and design have contained various contributed factors such as quality attributes, human design different business strategies, IT environments and design. A software architecture could not be operational software or nonfunctional decision are cast and the functional requirements are would be separate. It also consists of the simple component of an…
If else java statements In this article, we’ll learn about the if-else java. Two selection statements used in Java: one is if and second is a switch. These two statements (if, switch) used to control the flow of the source program’s execution based upon conditions. The if statement belongs to the Java conditional branch statement. It used to route the source program execution through two different paths. The general form of the if statement shown below: if (conditions) { if statements; } else { else statements; } The body of the if statement can have one or further statements which…
Declarative sentence Declarative Sentence (Statement) makes a statement, states a fact or an argument and ends with a full stop/period. It declares something, as it is named appropriately. Declarative sentences are the most common type of sentences in the English language. They state the facts and let the reader know something specific. A declarative sentence is in the form of the present tense and expresses a direct statement. The declarative sentences can be simple or compound. A simple one consists of a subject and a predicate. Here are some examples of simple declarative sentences. Her cat is black. I love pizza.…
Operator The operator is a symbol that is used to perform certain operations on data. C++ provides a variety of operators. These include arithmetic operators, a relational operator, a logical operator, a bitwise operator, etc. The operators can be categorized as follows: Unary Operator A type of operator that works with one operand is known as the. Following operators are unary operators: -,++,– The above operators are used with one operand as follows: -k, Z++,–x. Binary Operator A type of operator that works with two operands is known as. +,-,*,/,% The above operators are used with two operands follows: x+y; a+b; Arithmetic…
Operator in Java Java introduced a large operator’s environment. Many operators can be divided into the main four groups: bitwise, arithmetic, logical, and relational. Java also supports some additional operators that handle special situations in the programs. Here we discuss all of Java’s operators. If you know some basics about C/C++/C# programming languages then there is no problem understanding the Java operators. All integer types in Java except char are signed integers. 1- Bitwise Operators Programming Language Java defines some several bitwise operators which can apply to the integer’s data types like, byte, short, int, long, and char. These operators…
Prolog-Logical Paradigm Prolog, Programming in logic, is a declarative programming language that is based on the ideas of logic programming. Prolog was an idea to make the logic look like a programming language and also the idea of the prolog was to allow the logic to be controlled by a programmer to advance the research for theorem-proving. The logical paradigm is a programming paradigm that is a road-map to machine learning languages. It tends to impose a certain view of the world on its users. When a paradigm is applied in problem domains that deal with the extraction of knowledge…
Antipatterns The architecture Antipatterns are mostly focused on the component and structure of the application of the enterprise level and system level. Sometimes the developer design a good software design pattern but another side the anti-patterns are bad. In software engineering, patterns and anti-patterns are most commonly used in software designing. In 1995 the Andrew Koenig and Gang of four’s (GOF) develop the concept of design patterns and anti-patterns and these terms are used in software designing and general social interaction. According to the author, there must be at least two key elements are used to distinguish between the bad…
Data types Java defines the eight simple Data types: byte, short, int, long, char, float, double, and boolean. These eight types can be put in four main groups: Integers Floating Characters Boolean The programmer can use these types to construct arrays of class types. The simple types show single values in programming. The simple types are defined to have an explicit range and mathematical behavior in programming languages. Languages such as C++ and C allow the integer size to vary based upon the dictates of the execution environment. Java is different from its portability requirement. all data types have specifically…
Java variable Java variable or simple variable is a small memory unit in RAM and also used to store values used in program source code. Variables values can be changed at the time of running applications. Variables have different data types and each data type have a different size in memory. All variables have four basic parts. Variable name Variable size Variable address Variable value In this example a variable “Marks” have four-part. The variable name is Marks, the value in 786, the address is B27C1, and the variable size is 4 byte. Variables declaration: A variable must define before…
Creational design patterns In the process of the creational design patterns that automatically creates the objects within the coding and provides a mechanism to easily to create an object in a suitable situation. The creational design pattern provides a single or group of objects. In this case, the methods or functions can call the necessary code with the new object. They are used to reduce the complexity by creating the new object in a controlled manner. Some types of creational design patterns are given below. Types of Creational design patterns Builder design patterns In the process of the builder, it…
Identifier in Java In programming languages, identifiers are some keywords used for any specific purpose called identifier. For example when a programmer declares some variables or functions/methods then identifier useful for these situations. The Java compiler detects illegal identifier and reports syntax errors. In other words, the identifier is a name used to identify any block of code or variables. Example int number1; float AvgMarks; void sum(); In this example keyword number1, AvgMarks, sum are identifiers. number1 is an integer type variable identifier. AvgMarks is a float type variable identifier and the sum is a function/method identifier that has a…
Behavioral design patterns In which the process of the Behavioral design patterns that are concerned with a relationship (communication) and assignments between objects and classes and making communication is easier and flexible. Therefore the behavioral design pattern is the design that identifies the common communication between objects and classes. However, the patter is used to carry out flexible communication. Types of Behavioral design patterns Interpreter In software engineering, the interpreter is used to describe the series of the class and syntax language. Tree technique is also implemented by parsing the overall sentence and define the classes one by one in…
JAVA Basic In JAVA Basic programming we consider, it can be defined as a collection of objects that communicate with each other’s using some specific methods. Before starting the Java programming we should now some basic concepts of object, class, method, and instance variables. Object: Everything which exists in real life called an object. Each object has two things one is the state and the other is behavior. For example, a cat has states color, name, shape, and behavior is running, eating, and wagging, etc. An object is also an instance of the class. When we obtain the object of…
Java Hello World Start Java Hello World program that displays the message “Welcome to Java by zoetropefilm!” on the console screen. Open java IDE and start a new project. Below code of Java copy and paste your Java IDE and compile it for demonstration. public class WelcomeTozoetropefilm { public static void main(String[] args) { // Display message Welcome to Java by zoetropefilm! to the console System.out.println(“Welcome to Java by zoetropefilm!”); } } Output: Welcome to Java by zoetropefilm! Line Numbers: Line number shows the reference of the code line which is not part of the program so do not write…
Java JDK, API, IDE, and Java language specification Java JDK: There are many versions of Java SE which rapidly increase time by time. The latest version of Java SE is 8. Sun releases each version of SE with a Java Development Toolkit (JDK). For Java SE 8, the Java Development Toolkit is called JDK 8 (also known as Java 8 or JDK 8). Download JDK latest version Java IDE: JDK consists of a collection of separate programs, each program invoked from a command line, for testing and developing Java programs. Besides JDK, the programmer can use a Java development tool…
Operating system The Operating system (OS) is one of the most important programs that run on a computer, which controls and manages a computer’s activities. Then some operating systems are Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS. Application programs, such as a Web browser, notepad, or voice recorder cannot run without an operating system. Without an operating system, the hardware is not useable for us and without hardware, the operating system is not useable for us so the relationship is necessary for both, otherwise, both are nothing. The interrelationship of hardware, user, operating system, and application software is shown in the…
Difference between C++ and C# There is some basic difference between C++ and C#. C++ C++ is the advanced form of C programming language. C++ is a case sensitive, general-purpose, object-oriented, procedural and generic programming language. C++ supports the destructor concept. C++ supports all types of inheritances. C++ manages the memory using manual methods. In C++ pointers can be used anywhere in the program. Programming of C++ is based on OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concepts. Programs that develop on C++ programming language run on all platforms. C++ programming language easy to learn. C# C# is pronounced as “see sharp”. C#…
Types of design patterns There are three fundamental types of design patterns that are used to design the perfect pattern of the software. Structural Patterns: Structural patterns are concerned with both classes and objects. In the structural Pattern that has been defining the communication/relationship between objects and classes. These patterns are allowed to add the new functionality of the objects. Some other types of structural patterns are defined below. Types of structure patterns: Decoder Pattern: Rick Mercer has defined the decoder design pattern. The decoder is used to add the individual object without effect the sum of other objects. The…